"Chacun de vos mots sont reçus comme un trésor..."

3 mai 2010

"Qui aime me suit"
Huile sur toile - 50 x 50 cm

"Bonjour ! Surprise ! n'est-ce pas ? "Qui aime me suit" est le seul homme que Martine-Alison a peint. Ma chère amie "toucane" est enchantée de lui tenir compagnie...
Voulez-vous que je vous dévoile la petite histoire qui se cache derrière cette toile ?

Un couple parmi les fidèles clients de Martine-Alison venait de lui acheter un nouveau "bébé".
Je vous présenterai plus tard l'ensemble de la "fratrie" qui vit sur leurs murs...
Le mari et son épouse bavardaient tranquillement avec Martine-Alison. Tout en plaisantant, la cliente venait de formuler son désir de voir la prochaine fois, parmi les "petites femmes" exposées, un homme. Et, pas n'importe quel homme ! Un homme nu, avec de belles fesses !

Je pense que cet homme est une excellente réponse à sa demande ! Si vous observez bien l'ensemble de la toile, vous y découvrirez une végétation érotique... Non ? Martine-Alison n'y avait pas fait attention. Il a fallu que plusieurs personnes lui en fassent la remarque. Toutefois rien de dérangeant en ce qui me concerne !

Il est nécessaire de prendre des précautions pour organiser au mieux l'accrochage. Il faut éviter que les "petites femmes" soient un peu trop troublées par "Qui aime me suit" autrement elles vont lui courir après !...
Avant de prendre mon envol pour aller épier la "toucane", je vous dis, bye."
Léo, le toucan.

19 commentaires:

  1. L'histoire de cette toile m'a fait rire!!! J'allais te dire un ou deux mots à propos de certaine fleur là-bas, mais tu as di tout déjà!
    Très belle toile, Martine :)
    Gros bisous,

  2. Wow, Martine, he definitely has "Follow Me" eyes!!!! Lovely.

  3. Beautiful work as always Martine! But you'll forgive me if I pine for the return of your pretty ladies ;)

  4. Wonderful painting. you captured the guy from behind very well. Also in the plants you were thinking of the man, very good.

  5. Hay! Bonjour Martine? Ca Va? :) Moi, Je suis très heureux d'être ici.

    Did I ever tell you I learnt French? No? That was lucky. :D I never paid attention.

    Well, this is just great. Nice to see a naked man for a change, but my boss just walked in and thought it was a bit odd that I was on a site with naked men! (i have some explaining to do)

    It's very difficult sometimes with men because woman have such sinusiodal lines and curves they flow into the work. But you have done a magnificent job.

    I like the subtle eroticism, and Leo the Toucan looks very happy.

    see you :)

    PS good luck with the show. Thanks for the invite!

  6. Martine this is yet another of your beautiful paintings...he is as beautiful as your women. He reminds me of "Adam" from "The Garden of Eden"...

  7. Hmm I think I want to follow this guy! Lovely painting

  8. Great that you havent neglected the male species! I prefer looking at the beautiful ladies though of course;o)
    I love the variety of detail you get into your paintings Martine, its a visual treat for my eyes.

  9. Totally cute butt! What whimsy in your paintings and such color. Cheers!

  10. Ooh La La!!! A male!!!!!
    This is really great, and I love his 'BUTT' you have rendered him beautifully. And, yes the subtle eroticism is there, in a 'Garden of Eden' sort of way.

    I have also gone down a few posts and am so impressed with your flowers... lovely to see a subject change from time to time.

    A talented lady!

    All the very best with your Show..... thank you kindly for your invitation.


  11. Oh, I remember all the hoopla around this painting! Let me tell you...

    After Martine-Alison was asked to paint a man, she mentioned her dilemma to many people. She was accustomed to the female form, but wasn't used to all the lines and muscles required to paint a man without clothes.

    You can just imagine (being as beautiful as she is...) how many offers she received from men, of all sizes, to pose naked for her! For days, I think months, the offers continued. We laughed so hard together on this one.

    Finally the husband, of good friends of hers, gave her photos of himself! Everyone wanted to be her model...!

    In the end (no pun intended...) she did the painting from her imagination. (Or so she says...)

    Oh yes, erotica is all over this painting! Well done my friend.

  12. Oh, cette fois nous avons un Apollon, un Efebo, un Adonis!

    Salutations à Martine et Léo.

  13. I love your style!!!

    I think this is great. It's just a naked man - big deal. Naked men don't bother me. It's when they are clothed that they bother me sometimes.

  14. I think this is the guy who lives behind my mirror. Ha ha ha and then I will waken up. Love it well done.

  15. waouhh, il est rudement canon cet homme-là !
    a-t-il un nom ?? Adam ??
    c'est vraiment très beau !

  16. Martinealison! This painting sure woke up the ladies!
    Your style of painting is wonderful! There is much life in your work!

  17. I like your art too..:)

  18. HUMMM!!! Beau body!! Magnifique tableau, Martine, belle ambiance, on voudrait y être...invitée...


Je suis heureuse de partager, avec qui se laissera séduire, la poésie de mon monde intérieur et d’offrir quelques minutes lumineuses à mon visiteur, une promenade naturelle et revigorante... Si une oeuvre vous séduit, n'hésitez pas à me contacter via mail : artladymartinealison@gmail.com ! Je vous ferai un prix atelier ! Je vous remercie pour vos petits mots.