"Grain de k-fée"
huile sur toile - 50 x 50 cm
"Bonjour ! Je reviens vous montrer la métamorphose de la dernière toile de Martine-Alison. M'aviez-vous aperçu, caché dans ce petit bouquet de feuilles ?...
Comme vous avez pu le lire, cette peinture a déjà été baptisée... La petite fée couleur café a pris vie sous le pinceau de notre artiste qui avait un empressement à la peindre.
Bien que dans le passé, elle avait peint une petite antillaise, elle n'est pas habituée à peindre des petites femmes de couleur. Elle a commencé à mélanger ses couleurs afin d'obtenir un beau chocolat. Lorsqu'elle a appliqué les premières touches de cette combinaison, elle a craint le pire !... (un choc oh la ! la!) Ses petites femmes ont ordinairement la peau si claire !
Mais au fur et à mesure que le visage de cette petite femme voyait le jour, Martine-Alison prenait plaisir à la peindre. Une fois sa frimousse terminée, elle a savouré le résultat, une véritable petite douceur au chocolat...
La douceur des températures a accompagné notre semaine. Demoiselle Printemps semble vouloir frapper à notre porte... Cependant, prudence l'hiver est toujours là. Il est hors de question que je me déplume ! Mais aujourd'hui je vous offre la première pâquerette que la semaine dernière j'ai dénichée et vous dis, bye."
Léo, le toucan.

Pavasaris tomēr būs? Kāds prieks!
RépondreSupprimerTad jau arī vasara drīz! ...
c'est maintenant que j'admire ton travail vraiement..
RépondreSupprimerle tableaux esquissé ne me permet pas de voir le détail..les traits de crayon sont trop fins..
la belle plante dans les plantes..
bonne suite biz elf
Preciosa.Estoy deseando verla acabada.
Comme elle est belle ! Tu as raison sa couleur café est vraiment d'une grande beauté ! J'adore voir le tableau avancer petit à petit !
Hey Bonjour Martine, well I must say I took a little breath when I saw this one, wow, you have really captured the glow on the shirt and the glow in the woman's skin. Its a wonderful work. It's good to challenge ourselves - and you have met the challnge so well. Your paintings are beautiful you know, but the twist is in the details, and the suprises you leave for us. Like Breughel's work - but beautiful :)
RépondreSupprimersee you
Australia is hot today, but I like those winter delights you pictured in your last post. They make me hungry!!!!
Bonjour, Martine !
RépondreSupprimerComme c'est passionnant de suivre avec vous ce cheminement artistique !
On se sent privilégiée de partager ainsi l'intimité d'une création.
La jeune femme est magnifiquement peinte, elle irradie littéralement.
Vivement la suite, et entendant, je savoure cette jolie pâquerette, et les bugnes du billet précédent étaient bien tentantes également !
Je vous embrasse
Bonjour, Martine! Thank you so much for visiting my blog!! I saw that you participated in the Kelly challenge as well... Your art is beautiful!!! :) Silke
RépondreSupprimerChèr Martine Alison, la couleur de la peau de cette petite femme est parfait! vous avez fait correctmente, a la perfection. J'aime cette toile, je reviendrais pour voir l'étape suivante. Jusque-là, je vous desire un bon travail et des beaux jours de printemps. Gros bisous
RépondreSupprimerThis is beautiful Martine! I love the soft pink dress she is wearing, and her glowing skin tones. You're so talented!
RépondreSupprimerI know you enjoyed painting your girl. I can see why. You managed to get a nice color and your highlights glow nicely. I think it's good you painted her early on. She makes a very different impact than your usual ones. Bisous and have fun continuing! (Yes Leo, I noticed you right away...)
RépondreSupprimerI Love Your Caribbean Girl! She Looks Wonderfully Highlighted And So Relaxed And Happy! Your Trees In The Distance Are Fabulous Too! Hugs From The Peach State!
RépondreSupprimerElle ressemble à une jeune chanteuse d'içi qui a beaucoup souufert dernièrement.. elle est de nouveau bien..et rayonne de santé comme votre antillaise..Elle est belle..et déja une marguerite!
RépondreSupprimerNous en avons assurément en dessous de plusieurs pieds de neige qui dorment ..Bonne fin de semaine M~A..
Martine, J'aine beacoup les coleurs de la Caribbean!
RépondreSupprimerI love the caribbean figure,this one will be a wonderful piece, but all of your painting are wonderful.
RépondreSupprimerXO, Irit
I love this painting - she looks so peaceful! The details are amazing, I really like the little toucan peeking over the bush!
RépondreSupprimerI just posted one over on my blog I did because of you! :)
Hugs & Kisses,
Hola! Il vient ainsi très bien la fée de café, ou d'ébène! Vous avez réalisé un grand effet sur la peau.
RépondreSupprimerM'a donné envie de prendre une tasse de café matin de pré printemps qui dans la dollhouse, jijiji! Bisoussss
Martine Alison, Hello!!
RépondreSupprimerThis painting is going to be beautiful. The colors are wonderful. The shade of color on the girl is perfect! She is beautiful - she glows with happiness!!
I am eager to see it completed. LOVE the colors, as always.
♥ audrey
This is coming out beautifully! It's so tropical! I can see where Leo is right at home and enjoying it too!
RépondreSupprimerAllo, Martine!! I smile every time I see your work!! It is magic!!
RépondreSupprimerThe painting is looking great. I like woman’s look.
RépondreSupprimerI think it’s a little early though to be thinking spring.
Take care
your paintings never fail to leave me in awe! this is so beautiful and you have managed to paint the color of her skin so well. beautiful colors!
RépondreSupprimerAh Martine, a slice of African life! Our dear rhinos are being hunted quite cruelly at the moment - 300 killed last year by poachers here in South Africa alone. I am so looking forward to seeing your finished work.
RépondreSupprimerSuch patience and another lovely painting in creation.
RépondreSupprimerHello :)
RépondreSupprimerLOVELY Blog :)
It´s unfair....I also want to live in France :)
I hope everything is good
and do not miss
WELCOME to Join it :)
Håkan ( The Roseman)
Good Morning Sweetie...
RépondreSupprimerOh what a gorgeous share this morning. I so adore your beautiful lady of color. She is gorgeous. She sits so still in the garden, just taking in the beauty around her, as if maybe waiting for someone to join her. Gorgeous.
The rhino is a beautiful element of surprise. I love that he grazes so happily close by. I can't wait to see the beautiful trees and bushes waiting in the background to come alive as well.
I love coming over and peeking over your shoulder as you paint. Just beautiful sweetie, just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this morning.
Country hugs and much love, Sherry
I so much admire your work!! Each one has its own personality and you have such a unique way to express your creativity. I LOVE the coffee-colored fairy! Her skin is just beautiful and the details in your painting is such fun to look at and discover all kinds of surprises. Well done, my friend!! Hugs
RépondreSupprimerHelloooooooooooooooo!!! Yooo hooooo!!!
RépondreSupprimerI was laughing at Andrew's comment over at Jack's. He said you were showing off with your French. Hahahaha! Aaaaahhhh!
I like this. It is coming along beautifully. I love her very dark complexion. I like how you made her look ebony silky.
I hope you have a beautiful weekend. I just want to tell you that am doing laundry today. I thought you want to know that. Hahahah! Tsup! Kiss! Kiss!!
I echo what everyone else is saying. Lovely girl, wonderful composition. Have a lovely weekend, Dear Martinealison
RépondreSupprimerI've seen your name on several of the blogs I follow so I decided to check out your own work. It is a pleasure to see. Your composition is very nice and your colors are quite appealing.
RépondreSupprimerThis is coming along nicely, your use of color is beautiful :)
RépondreSupprimerLove seeing how it's coming along! Just beautful!!!
RépondreSupprimerHello Martine!
RépondreSupprimerI am in love with your little African lady! Her face is so regal and beautiful, her skin is perfect, so dark and creamy...and the pink dress is perfection!
I so want to learn to paint folds in clothes the way you capture them. I need to learn patience, it will be years before I am really good. In the meantime I will have fun and enjoy the process.
Gros Bisous, mon ami!!
Martine! This painting has already come to life! What a wonderful scene! You treat your painting with such care. I enjoy all the details and colors!
RépondreSupprimerMarvelous Martine..beautiful..it is so exciting to see more and I look forward to seeing more..it is gorgeous!!
Happy Valentine's Day, Martinealison!!
RépondreSupprimerxo audrey
I love to see your painting in several stages. The color of the skin is really striking.
RépondreSupprimerYou always say the nicest things on my blog and in beautiful French language!
RépondreSupprimerLove your painting. Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day MartineAlison! May your life be filled with people you love and who love you back a hundredfold! Tsup!
RépondreSupprimerOh, your leaves! I am so very much in love with your leaves, each one carefully laid down in varying shades. Gorgeous! And her skin is like velvet. So rich and warm and beautiful. This painting is coming together in such an amazing way!
RépondreSupprimerHappy Valentine's Day!
Salut Martine! Peut être c'était difficile de trouver la bonne couleur pour votre femme antillaise, mais vous avez vraiment réussi! Sa peau est lumineuse, et elle est trés belle en plus. Votre paysage fantastique promet de nous emmener dans une autre fantaisie extraordinaire. Je suis ravie de voir la toile complete. Merçi pour vos gentilles mots. Bisous!
RépondreSupprimerLa peinture est très très belle! :-)
RépondreSupprimerBiso Stina
The color of her skin is simply radiant, your colors are clean and pure. Have a beautiful day painting and bringing this to life!
RépondreSupprimerYou are the sweetest artist I know!
RépondreSupprimerbon soir Martine!
ciao bella
Creative CArmelinA
Bon Jour Martine! Your work is so amazing! I love the colors and the contrast! You really nailed the tones! Superb work! BRAVO!
RépondreSupprimerI always marvel at your exquisite imagination and the beautiful interior world you inhabit . . . I wish all of humanity could tap into your gentleness. All the best, Martine!
RépondreSupprimerYour process leaves me just as intrigued by what is NOT painted, as by what is. What an interesting working method you have!
RépondreSupprimeroh my !!! wonderful work Martine!!! you are so amazing....I was away and the scenery reminded me a lot of your art....it was amazing!!!! Back now and slowly getting back into the groove of things!!!!
RépondreSupprimerOh Martine!!! I am in awe of your beautiful and unique paintings. The colors are absolutely beautiful and her dress so soft and subtle. I am SO looking forward to the finished piece.
RépondreSupprimerThis is really beautiful and exotic. You should be very happy with this one. It's gorgeous. The woman is so perfect...I wonder if you used a model. Sending a big Southern California hug to you!
RépondreSupprimerHola Martine, una belleza más, es preciosa.
RépondreSupprimerQuería también agradecerte por volver a visitar mi blog, un gran beso, espero volver a ver tu hermosa pintura ya terminada. Me encanta la mirada tan relajada de la chica de color que ya pintaste.
Exquisite Martine! Your detail and colours are so lovely, The tunic just glows against the warm, rich browns. And again, your trees are so well seen. Beautiful!
RépondreSupprimerMartine, I love Carnival and Arlecchino.. I have such fond memories of learning about it in Italian school...
RépondreSupprimerhope you have a wonderful day..
this is beautifully done. Looking forward to seeing the finish.
RépondreSupprimerJ'aime bien tes couleurs!
RépondreSupprimerSo fresh and bright.
Здравствуй милая и очаровательная Alison. Твоя картина - Зерно Кофе - исыскана и деликатна. Достоевский сказал как-то, - Мир спасет Красота. Ты спасаешь животных и ты спасаешь мир своими картинами. Это очень серьезно.
Oi, passei só para deixar um abraço!!!!!