huile sur toile - 50 x 50 cm
Martine-Alison est toujours rassurée lorsqu'une de ses peintures rejoint sa fratrie. Elle a beaucoup de chance car elle se trouve dans une famille qui en plus d'être "client" est devenue pour notre artiste de véritables amis. Ainsi elle est amenée à revoir souvent ses peintures...
Ni moi, ni un de mes congénères apparaissent près de "Garance"! Dommage! Je serais bien allé faire un petit envol jusqu'à elle... Comment la trouvez-vous ?
A Lyon, l'accrochage d'une trentaine de toiles de Martine-Alison est mis en place, reprenant tout l'univers de ses "petites femmes" et de ses bouquets.
Face à ses tableaux, le regard est invité à prendre son temps... Le premier devoir de celui qui regarde la peinture est d'être à l'écoute, et de rester ouvert...
En ce moment, l'exposition se déroule bien. De nombreux échanges ont lieu chaque soir... Et la petite "Drapée dans sa sensualité" a trouvé une famille adoptive.
"... Une partie de la salle de l'Espace Ricard où se tient l'exposition..."
"... L'exposition donne sur le Rhône..."
"... et sur l'Opéra de Lyon..."
Martine-Alison est retenue par son exposition en cours, mais je sais qu'elle est impatiente de se remettre à peindre. La peinture s'impose à elle comme une nécessité intérieure. Une nécessité presque viscérale, car si elle ne crée rien depuis plusieurs semaines, elle a mal au ventre comme si elle avait faim. Cette nécessité coïncide avec sa volonté de vivre...
Je m'en vais gaiement retrouver Martine-Alison. Je vous dis bye en vous souhaitant une semaine pleine de belles émotions..."
Léo, le toucan.

Beautiful painting, good abstract with beautiful colors
RépondreSupprimerGarance est vraiment magique avec sa robe rouge et son château romantique. J'aime les souliers et le chapeau. BRAVO pour ta nouvelle vente.Bisous.
RépondreSupprimerThis painting seems different than your other works. The figure seems to be in front of and not apart of your beautiful background. Also, there are no animals. It does have your amazing use of colors and lovely scenery.
RépondreSupprimerI love the colors in this painting, as well as attractive showroom with your pictures, no doubt you have enjoyed it!
RépondreSupprimerGood morning Martine, Garance is wonderful with all your colors and magnificent shapes. Congratulations of your show. I showed your paintings to my husband and he was in awe of your work. So beautiful!
RépondreSupprimerj'espère que toutes les garances trouvent une famille d'adoption!
RépondreSupprimerle lieu de l'expo me semble très beau.. un joli écrin pour ces belles femmes!! bonne chance!
This is just beautiful!! I love your colors and composition. The shoes are amazing, too! Wonderful, wonderful!!
RépondreSupprimerTrès joli post, plein d'émotion, une toile magnifique pleine de couleurs qui nous font respirer le plein été qui arrive!
RépondreSupprimerBonne exposition j'espère pleine de rencontres aussi...
bisous cath.
Aaaaaawwwwwwww!!! Congratulations!!! I was thinking of you. Thak you for the invitation, by the way, but I could not make it because I was working. Hehehehe! What a beautiful gallery exhibition site you have. Look at all those paintings!!! Terrific. I am so glad to see again. This painting is deliciously beautiful. I like her casual pose. My daughter asked me to paint her as a person, not as a bird, not as a doll, but as a person. Ha! I will try. Have a great week!
RépondreSupprimerC'est bien de vendre ses peintures aux membres de famille, comme ca justemente ca reste en famille :-)) Superbe cette toile comme toutes les autres, j'adore ton style tout particulier et très personel.
RépondreSupprimerJe te souhaite une bonne chance avec l'exposition. Bises
Your exhibition looks wonderful! Congratulations on your sales. I know how difficult it is for you to part from your petite femmes, but knowing they are in good company helps. Bisous. I can't wait to catch up with you.
RépondreSupprimerBright and beautiful!
RépondreSupprimerWe are watching many Netflix movies these evenings and I often think of you..Our first choice..always French foreign films:)
J'adore ses lacets rouges...:)
Beautiful painting...I love the color and her pose. The gallery looks great too!
RépondreSupprimerI like the expression of your figures, especially this one. She seems more real somehow. Congratulations and good luck with the show. The photos are wonderful. Wish I was there.
RépondreSupprimerMartine Alison, HELLO!
RépondreSupprimerThis painting made me think of the song "Lady in Red". I love that song. This is a wonderful painting. Congratulations on your gallery exhibit, Martine. You must be so proud to see all your paintings hanging in this lovely gallery setting.
Paint, Martine Alison, paint!! I don't want your stomach to hurt!! (:
audrey ♥♥♥
Martine- I didn't even know you had a blog! I thought you only had a website! Anyway, I will check it out often. Good luck with your show!!!
RépondreSupprimerOne of my favorites of yours, Martine. The colors are amazing, and the wonderful shapes - this is a fantastic piece!
RépondreSupprimerJums piemīt labā spēja - radīt
RépondreSupprimermūžīgās vasaras iespaidu! Lieliski!
Wow! Thirty paintings in your exhibition! that is a very impressive number of paintings. Congratulations! I'm sure it will be a wonderful success. Garance is in a wonderful fantasy world of colour and vegetation. I think she's been on a long walk and needs this little rest, but there's an exotic village in the distance, so I'm sure she'll continue on.
RépondreSupprimerHej rar du!
RépondreSupprimerÖversättningsfunktionen fungerar ej... så jag kan inte läsa det du skrivit... men jag njuter av din vackra målning!!!
Jag hoppas att du har det bra och att du får njuta av sommaren!
Må väl och var rädd om dig!
Kramar Maria
"Garance" è uno dei miei preferiti, trovo bellissima la sua posa e la composizione del dipinto. Tantissimi auguri Martine per la tua magnifica esposizione. Ciao!!
RépondreSupprimer'Garance' est superbe....Bravo Martine.....xv
RépondreSupprimerDrapee dans sa sensualité trouvé une autre famille, bien sûr! Si c'est un délice.
RépondreSupprimerJe suis content que Martine Alison présente un grand temps à Lyon ... dans l'opéra de Lyon!
Votre Garance est magnifique, avec ses roses et violet chic.
Nous attendons toujours le retour de notre succès et apprécié artiste.
A bientôt!
You paintings look great at the exhibition! What a wonderful space!
RépondreSupprimerC'est ce que je ressens après une longue journée de marche dans Paris!
RépondreSupprimerMerci Google Translator! :)
Garance est merveilleuse avec sa robe rouge!
RépondreSupprimerJe suppose que Martine Alison est heureuse, Léo,car l'exposition semble fantastique, et la place ... est époustouflant!Bisous et bonne nuit
The space looks beautiful..Lyon beautiful..Now back to painting to keep your soul nourished
RépondreSupprimerUma grande artista não pode parar.....a sua arte é eterna e com certeza, faz bem à alma dela.
Love her beautiful red dress. Your show looks fabulous!
RépondreSupprimerHey Leo! Bonjour! You know, sometimes I have the feeling that you are more than just a bird :) Don't you love Martine's paintings, her eye is one to be envious of, her colours sing.
RépondreSupprimerWhen I shut my eyes I can still hear them.
The exhibition looks wonderful, all that hard and beautiful work together in one room.
Superb :) as we say in Australia.
Ahh I love the last painting too, the kangaroo is just hopping out of the canvas! be careful leo!
Au revoir!
Oh Martinealison Sweetie...
RépondreSupprimerWhat a beautiful share today. I love seeing this one. She is sitting on her little table as if she is exhausted. Has she been walking far? Is it hot there? Look at her beautiful little whisps of hair? Love that red dress, as you know red is my favorite color.
Love seeing all of your art on display. How wonderful that is. I wish I could stroll through gazing at all of your beauty as well. You paint with such vibrant colors, and I so enjoy looking for the little hidden Leo. He is always appearing somewhere.
I simply adore the little suitcases. They are so precious, especially the little fairy one. I love butterfly wings, and fairies are some of my favorite. You captured her beauty so well.
Hope you have a beautiful week sweet friend, and that you little stomach stops hurting and you are back to painting soon. I know you love being in front of a canvas with your paints.
Many hugs and much love, Sherry
This is just beautiful and charming work. I love it. You have an amazing talent. :)
RépondreSupprimerLove this painting with the little lizard and ant as backup to the beautiful girl, Martine!
RépondreSupprimerThe exhibition is a gorgeous display of your work!!
Martine! You have once again painted a picture
RépondreSupprimerthat takes me away!
Everything about it is enchanting!
From her shoes to the castle on the horizon.
The expression of her hands, and the colors you have chosen, this is marvalous!
Your style is unique and creative, I love it!
wow!! Your work looks SUPERB!!!!!!
RépondreSupprimerJanice Warriner
your paintings are like sunshine and dreams. Love all the photos..! beautiful!
RépondreSupprimerMartine Alison thanks for birthday greeting, wonderful painting.
oh Martine!!!!! what a wonderful new painting....I love the way she is seated and her shoes...what a perfect piece....and that gallery for the Exhibition!!!! wow...I wish I was coming!!!!! you are amazing and I am so grateful we met!!!!
Congratulations! Your art exhibition looks fantastic!!
RépondreSupprimerAnd the "Garance" looks very beautiful! Fantastic colors and so dreamy atmosphere!
Congratualtions on yoru art exhibit. Very nice. Love the bright fun colorful nature of your art.
RépondreSupprimerWOOOWW! DER FULLLLLL :)
RépondreSupprimer¡¡¡Felicidades por la exposición!!!
Congratulations, the exhibition looks wonderful. I would have loved to have visited but at least i can see your paintings here. A great achievement to have so many finished and hanging for others to enjoy. Well done x
RépondreSupprimerI love visiting galleries! Your exhibit is superb!
RépondreSupprimerDo you know I've been really thinking about the colour red? You use colour in such a fantastic way, I am not as daring as you! Thanks for the inspiration!
Ciao Bella!
the red dress and cleavage are so sexy, but the look on her face is so innocent. Very intriguing.
RépondreSupprimerGarance is very pretty. Lots of emotion shown.
RépondreSupprimerSuch a fine composition, and your lady in red is tres charmante.
RépondreSupprimerCongratulations on you exhibition. It looks beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful color and so whimsical! Love this painting!
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RépondreSupprimerThe space looks beautiful..Lyon beautiful..Now back to painting to keep your soul nourished
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Congratulations on your exhibition, Martinealison! It is such a beautiful show. And I am so glad to See Garance - I love the whimsy of her exhaustion in both her face and body language - is is so charmingly done!
RépondreSupprimerTres beau, Martine Alison!
RépondreSupprimerIl ya une grâce maladroite chez les filles que vous dessinez que j'adore. Vos œuvres sont un délice!
Il y a dans le personnage de Garance le souvenir d'Arletty... les rouges - entre garance et écarlate - de la robe et le bel arc que décrit le corps frêle de ta Demoiselle nous permet d'avancer peu à peu dans ton tableau lumineux et y surprendre ce charmant village aux clochers en bulbe qui semble nous venir tout droit de la Bohème chère au coeur de Franz Kafka... Bravo, Martine Alison, et de beaux succès à toi !
RépondreSupprimerJ'ai beaucoup aimé visiter votre Blog. Les peintures sont merveilleuses.